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How To Catch Nightcrawlers

Catching nightcrawlers is a fun and easy way to stock up on some live bait prior to your next fishing trip.

If you don't mind getting your hands a little bit dirty, a good place to start may be right in your back yard!

Below are some backyard tips for the next time your local gas station or bait shop doesn't have any worms in the fridge.

Gear Essentials

Get yourself a flashlight or headlamp as well as something to put your nightcrawlers in (Tupperware container, bucket, etc.).

To help preserve the worms, fill your container with either some wet newspaper or some damp soil.

Find Good Soil

Nightcrawlers are going to be found near rich soil that is fairly loose and full of nutrients.

Good soil is oftentimes found in a garden, a flower bed, or healthy green grass areas.

Wait Till Night Time

As the name suggests, nightcrawlers commonly come out during the darker hours of the day.

Most people tend to hunt them an hour or so after sunset or the early morning hours before sunrise.

TIP: The best time to catch nightcrawlers is the night after a rain. However, if your area isn't expecting rain look for a good patch of soil and use your water hose to dampen the area before sunset to bring them to the surface.

Proper Use Of Your Light

After you spot a nightcrawler, avoid shining your light directly on the worm.

Despite not having eyes, nightcrawlers can still sense the presence of your light which will sometimes cause them to flee back into their hole.

Instead of shining your light directly on them, keep your main beam of light off to the side of the worm to avoid spooking them.

Walk Slowly

To avoid making too much noise, move in a slow and stealthy manner through the area that holds the worms.

Nightcrawlers will retreat back to their holes if they sense too much vibration.

When you spot one really focus on taking soft footsteps to give yourself the best chance of sneaking up on the worm.

Grabbing Nightcrawlers

The key here is to identify where the hole is that the nightcrawler has inched out of.

That's the side of the nightcrawler you want to grab.

Once you're close enough, quickly pinch the nightcrawler and just hold it - the worm will instinctively try and retract back into the hole.

After a second or two, slowly pull the rest of the nightcrawler out of the hole and place it in your container.

If you pull too fast you run the risk of tearing the worm apart and killing it.

Beginners... This Takes Practice

Don't get frustrated if things don't immediately start going the way you want them too.

The great thing about going after nightcrawlers is that the process itself will tell you where you're messing up.

Starting with your light.

If you spot one from a distance and it immediately retreats into its hole then chances are it sensed your light.

Consider a slower scan so that you identify the worm before it gets into the main beam of your light or lower the lumens on your light if it has more than one brightness level.

If you notice the worms retreating back into their holes right before you get within arms reach then chances are your approach is still too fast or loud.

Simply slow things down by taking really soft and quiet footsteps to avoid spooking them.

Lastly, make sure when you go for the grab that you get a firm grip (thumb and index finger) on the worm at the base of the hole.

TIP: Still having issues grabbing them? Consider putting some flour or sawdust on your finger tips for a better grip.

In Conclusion

Along with being flat out fun, catching nightcrawlers makes for a great way to get people of all ages interested in fishing.

It's so easy in this day and age to just head to the tackle shop and buy your bait - which is fine and dandy.

But there's just something special about catching your own bait and then using it catch fish that makes for some memorable moments on the water.

Time to go catch em'!


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